Bag Online shopping: how to buy a fake

Bag Online shopping: how to buy a fake
 Bag for the modern woman has become not just a repository of essential items, but also an indispensable accessory to complete any image. And ladies and business ladies know how important it is to choose the right one attribute of the ideal suit and handbag plays a significant role. This brand thing is quite expensive, so the Russian market flooded with fakes that unscrupulous sellers of original issue and try to sell at full price.
 When purchasing products through the online store is a danger that you will try to sell a copy, is not reduced, but rather increased. That is why buying bags over the Internet should be taken with the utmost seriousness and responsibility.

The first step is to select a certified site. Best of all, if this is the official website of the manufacturer. Listen to the advice of friends, read reviews from other users. Go to the main page. The more photos of things provides a site, the better. You can contact the seller and get more information about favorite handbag or additional photos.

Try to choose a delivery option, in which you give money only after get and check the item ordered. Carefully inspect your purchase. On the original items should not be uneven seams, glue stains, folds lined and other defects. Handbags Material shall be of the highest quality. If it's skin, very soft, smooth, well-stretched. Color is allowed only evenly without streaks of paint, illegible engraving or dyed places. Learn corporate image, especially in jacquard fabrics. Symmetrical pattern on the original and clearly visible from any angle.

Pay special attention to exploring the logo of the manufacturer. If you see a reduction instead of the full name or company name could be misspelled, you are probably dealing with a fake. Distortion emblem is very common in the simulations. This is a unique way of protection from the police. In the case of the capture of the seller assures that your item for branded goods issued, manufacturers simply have similar trademarks.

Keep in mind that the major manufacturers of bags are packed his design products with the utmost care. The original cotton packaging bag with the logo, which is characteristic for the company's colors, as well as the original box - a mandatory attribute of the original. Fake products also seem to try to wrap up, but the difference is still noticeable attentive consumer.

Tags: online, shop, item, bag, fake, buy, imitation