In Greece there is everything: how to buy a mink coat

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 Greece - mysterious and hospitable country shrouded in a haze of ancient myths. Greece - the hot sun, warm sea, luxury flowers, ancient ruins next to modern buildings. And yet - it is a paradise on earth for fashionistas, ever give your heart mink fur coats.
 Yes, it is true in Greece mink coats are presented in a large quantity and variety, and they are much cheaper than in the shops in Europe.

In a shopping tour of the coat is better to go in an organized group, rather than their own. We travel as a group has a lot of advantages.

At the conclusion of the contract with the travel agency "with a commitment" not only do you get the opportunity for 1 euro to fly to Greece for the purchase. You will be quiet during the trip - will look after you, provide transportation, and Russian-speaking guides, entertainment, and conduct an educational program on how to sew fur coats and fur quality.

Trip "with the obligation" means that you will be required to purchase a fur coat at a price not less than 1000 euros. If the purchase did not take place - you have to reimburse the cost of travel. These conditions - a symbolic 1 euro - provides potential buyers Manufacturers Association coats, she also pays for travel, as a nice bonus to purchase the desired items.

In Greece, there are several areas where for their "fur dreams" flock ladies: Katirina, Crete, Rhodes, Chalkidiki. But the most popular place - it Kastoria. There you sell the highest quality fur products. Kastoria - a small town that has collected in the vicinity of its large number of factories, as well - that there is a well-known, permanent mega-exhibition "Edik".

That is the standard itinerary for 3 days.

Day 1 - Arrive bus tour of Thessaloniki, the arrival in Kastoria, hotel, dinner.

Day 2 - organized bus trips on fur factory and a visit to the exhibition and sale "Edik". Tune in to what you first get loose in the eye, and then begin the endless fitting. Do not worry about the process: all sellers are fluent in Russian, always go to a meeting and reduce the price podoshyut, change hardware, and if you finally undecided - you will be delayed until the evening favorite thing. On purchase you will be given a certificate and a check for customs.

Price of the product depends on the quality of skins, colors, ways of tailoring, style. Dyed fur is much more expensive natural color.

In the evening, dine in the restaurant, nice to relax on the evening of Russian-Greek friendship and you're done with the prize draw.

3 day - breakfast, beach next to the hotel, transfer to the airport of Thessaloniki and the plane to Moscow.

Travel agencies also offer fur-female tourists the opportunity to relax after the purchase. You can advance to reserve for himself a few more days and relaxation. But for that you already have to pay their own money.

Tags: coat, Greece