How to understand your feelings to the person

How to understand your feelings to the person
 Sometimes people find it difficult to determine what they feel to person. Love is replaced by hatred, then turn in the shower run the show indifference, affection, passion, mistrust. In short, so easy to get lost in the whole range of feelings and emotions and give them some sort of clear definition. How can realize what you feel to a specific person?
 If a person gives in relation to at least some kind of logical analysis, that the feelings, things are much more complicated and confusing. Not all people can easily identify their emotions and personal feelings and emotions. But you must learn to listen to yourself, to your inner voice and intuition.

To do this, you need full concentration, lack of hustle and bustle. It is best to determine their own internal feeling alone when you have nothing to distract from the process of understanding the great mysteries of the soul. Think about the person you are interested in and try to understand exactly what your heart feels towards him. Whether positive emotions you feel, or vice versa? Do you want to be with him or not? You may need to think about this a few days or even weeks, but the result to which you will come to be quite accurate.

It is also quite easy to see the depth of their feelings, to live with if popular with the person for a while. It is in everyday life is perceived compatibility between two people, as well as their ability to change, adapting to each other. Can be mistaken for a long time, naively believing that you are madly in love with his partner, but a few months spent together, are able to quickly and easily dispel this myth. But if you're dealing with this second half, no quarrels, tests and obstacles will not allow you to throw him out of her life.

So try as often as possible to communicate with the person you are interested in the opposite sex. The only way you will be able to comprehend the unknown facets of his character to you, which can both increase your sympathy for him, and kill all the senses. If you begin to experience communion severe discomfort, you may decide to break this bond, or want to change themselves to save their relationship. In any case, not the mind and advice of friends and relatives to help you make the right decision in the field of love and emotions. Listen only to your soul that you will not disappoint.

Tags: analysis, nature, people, emotion, feeling, understanding, comprehension