How to save the nerves in the city

How to save the nerves in the city
 Modern life is full of strife and stress. This is especially important for residents of large cities, in which everything is subordinated to speed rhythm. In order to feel comfortable in such an environment, it is necessary to know how to keep up with everything in the wilds of the metropolis and still maintain your nerves healthy.

One of the main problems that have to be faced inhabitant metropolis - it plugs. That's why assigning an important meeting to consider this factor. Be forewarned person that can be a little late. If your morning route is famous for constant congestion, then merge onto work for 15-20 minutes early. As a rule, the inhabitants of the metropolis understands the full depth values ​​"plug", so always understand if you are late. Negative expectations on can be reduced if a person call in advance and warn that you are a bit delayed.

In a metropolis, and you will have to learn to wait. Do not waste time scrolling in mind phrases like: "Well, when will he come?" "Well, why so long no transport?". Spend time with benefits. Load your mobile phone to good music, audiobooks, psychological training or English course. Time spent for some exercise, is much faster than when idle.

People living at a furious speed rhythm, very often the nerves pass. That is why it is not necessary to engage in skirmishes and someone to prove something. Furthermore spent nerves it does not turn. Try to ignore such a situation, even better if you get a joke, even inside his own head. If you are the originator of discomfort (for example, stepped on someone's foot), you should smile and sincerely apologize.

If you have something very angry, do not rush to give the course of their aggression. Close your eyes and count to ten, take a deep breath, and the problem probably will seem not so serious.

If you feel that you can not cope with her nerves, that life in the metropolis squeezes out the last ounce of strength you, you should not get depressed. Seek help from a psychologist. A good specialist in just a few lessons will help you to look at things differently and change the direction of motion. Sleep disorders and depression manifest not let things take their course. Refer to a neurologist, who not only assess your health, but also prescribe antidepressants and sedatives to help with medication to cope with the problem of frayed nerves.

Tags: preservation, metropolis