How to learn to look people in the eye

How to learn to look people in the eye
 As a result of observing people, psychologists have found that very few people looking into each other's eyes. Considerable time eye contact give love and interlocutors, friends usually do not look at each other. It was observed that managers with effective management style look into the eyes of subordinates almost all the time talking with them.
 The fact that the other party to look into the eyes of really important, is not questioned by anyone. But few people can comfortably do it for yourself. Some people try to look into the eyes of a person, even if they themselves from it not very comfortable. In this case, or often uncomfortable or if the person, or his companion. Someone thinks that the rule "Look nose" always works fine. However, it often happens that the person you gaze in the nose, showing signs of nervousness and embarrassment. The fact that this is a fairly direct and persistent opinion, which may cause a person uncertainty.

Try to look at people's eyes, softly focused. Covering the eyes of a large area, much of the time you will see in this human peripheral vision. It is important not to lose eye contact, but he must at times be indirect. Do try not to be nervous when speaking behave calmly.

If you look the person straight in the eye, it is important, what is with the expression of your face. It should be soft and friendly. Usually when gaze in facial features there is some stiffness caused by the efforts of not taking his eyes. To avoid it, keep mentally companion's shoulder, so your mind will get heat.

To be able to calmly look into the eyes, you should be confident enough in what you say. This is very important because most often the cause of nervousness when eye contact is precisely the uncertainty.

Remember that the main reason to look people straight in the eye, is to establish contact with them. You have to be open to it, and all that you still need to do - to win the interlocutor. Be attentive to his expression, you can try a bit of his "mirror your" ie, to take a similar position, demonstrated using the same facial emotion. Do not be too pushy in this, otherwise people just confused and "close" to you.

But the look in his eyes a little, you should also talk at the same time. Initially, at the same time not to look away and formulate ideas may seem too easy. Practice with a mirror, looking into the eyes of reflection. It works fine.

It is important not to confuse the ability to make eye contact with bad manners and habit of looking at people. The second is always a dislike on the part of the interlocutor.

Tags: eye, a person contact