How to learn to ignore

How to learn to ignore
 The ability to always maintain good spirits and did not respond to external stimuli are helping people achieve their goals and maintain mental health. But any relationship involve conflicts that can significantly affect your psyche. How can ignore the negative flow of life?
 First you need to define its main goals and desires. This will allow you to do their practical implementation and distract from the nagging dissatisfaction and others. Usually busy people pay less attention to the criticism, because their thoughts are devoted to other issues.

Learn how not to waste their life force to combat those phenomena that you can not handle. For example, you met a gruff person communication. Of course, you can try to correct his speech and manners, but how much psychic energy will have to spend on the adjustment of the other person. And indeed the likelihood that you will be able to convince a man negligible. So watch out nerves and just try to minimize contact with people of this kind. And if you do not have such an opportunity, to all attacks monosyllabic answer "yes-no". This will not stir up conflict.

If you enter into a squabble with rude conductor, the driver or the seller, ask yourself the question - why do you need it? To spoil myself and others mood or get quality service. Can and tell your opponent: "I do not want to quarrel with you, I want to get my ticket." This phrase usually sobers side and leads to consensus. Do not overdo it with altruism and save others at the expense of yourself, try to spend more time with yourself and your goals.

Pay attention to your good hand and shows them around. Listen to criticism for the purpose of self-improvement, not self-flagellation. Becoming harder and harder, you will surely achieve the desired. Try to understand the conflict situation. Learn to look at it from the perspective of humor and optimism in your life. Do not be nervous in vain. If the penalty is not avoided, try not to cheat yourself it even more.

Avoid bad news and broadcasts. Look for positive! Listen to the joyous music, watching comedies, communicate with the optimists. Their vitality will add you strength and faith in the best.

Tags: negative, psychology