Body language: how to recognize the envious

Body language: how to recognize the envious
 We are often faced with situations in which one person is superior to another, causing a vicious envy. Most often envious silent, but they can always be recognized by gestures.

When we are only just waking up feelings of envy, we are still able to control their emotions. But instead to make every effort to get the same thing, which has been the subject of contention, we often begin to eat away at themselves with the thought that the opponent is unfairly got easy. Imperceptibly comes a time when a man is nothing wrong, we did not, is only a feeling of anger and aggression. And, as a rule, a change in attitude to it, we are not able to explain the benefit of few who turn the language to honestly answer, they say, I envy you, friend.

In order to recognize the envious, you just need to watch him carefully. As a rule, always envious can be found on the narrowed view, which creates an unpleasant feeling in envy. Usually people use this view when they want to learn something about the other and, at the same time, to conceal information about themselves.

Another sign of envy, as we all know, is false joy, it is possible to notice the smile that always affectedness and expresses much more than we would have. This smile is usually lulls human care. Unnatural smile can be used when you need to create the impression envious that he sympathizes with you.

If a person, quietly conversing with you, begins to draw the stomach, stretch the muscles of the abdomen, in a word, to prepare for an attack, it should be wary - likely before you envious. Try to bring it to clean water: a sudden praise any achievement, from which he would not mind. Surprise did not allow your envious immediately hide their emotions, and now you'll know who you are dealing.

Often envy says behavior hands. For example, when a person is jealous, his hand itself is compressed into a fist - a kind of weapon that a person is ready at this time to apply. He rose from the outside world, it says only his own ego. If you think that jealousy is directed towards you, then watch the facial expressions of the potential envious.

Envy is peculiar to each individual. If you do not want to envy, try to send the evil power of envy at improving the self. If your friend has won the competition does not necessarily rush to the gym and start with anger beat and kick bag. Think and decide that the best way you manage and direct their energies on creating something new and interesting, and then retreat envy.

Tags: language, facial expressions, gestures, envy, envious