I like a best friend. What to do?

I like a best friend. What to do?
 He's such a reliable, responsive, he is always there, always ready to help. And you yourself do not notice how you stop to see him as a friend, and start to look at it as a desirable man. The situation is familiar to many, nothing unusual in it is not, and yet you are going through, and maybe even really suffer. After all, the best friend does not want to lose, but at the same time, to keep secret feelings of the person with whom you spend your free time, which is an important part of your life, is extremely difficult.

Love is not love?

Sometimes friends confused strong attachment, which arose from a sense of ownership frequent communication, warmth and affection with love. Easy to make a mistake, because the love of man and love of others are very similar. Between real friends there is always love, not the same as between a man and a woman, but it is. Is a strong family the husband is not a friend of his wife? Misunderstand themselves in such a situation everyone can.
And it happens in a different way: with love can be confused suddenly flashed passion. Therefore, suddenly feeling that you look at each other not as much as before, do not hurry. It makes more sense to wait and figure out their own thoughts, to understand whether or not a new feeling - love?

To be or not to be?

Falling in love with each other, will have to make a very difficult decision: to tell him about your feelings or hide flashed passion? The situation is complicated by the fact that the fear of losing the other does not give a sober look at things. After all, should remain silent, and everything will be as before (no matter how well). And if you admit it, you can destroy the existing durable tandem, based on mutual understanding and support. On the other hand, for the chance to be the closest man anything more than a friend - a tantalizing prospect.
Before you finally decide to talk about the feelings of others or not, evaluate your chances. If he does not have a permanent relationship, and you feel that sometimes one pays attention to you, as a woman, it is really worth a try. But if he has a strong relationship with another girl, is unlikely to be reasonable now to tell him about your feelings. Destroy existing relationships for the sake of a ghostly chance to build new - not a good idea. But do not despair. Life is unpredictable thing, and perhaps those relationships that have your friend now, themselves will go on "no" - then you have a chance. Of course, we should not sit and wait, and when he throws it - just live on, perhaps new feelings that you have for the other, quickly exhausted themselves without makeup on his part.


If the circumstances are well, and you have decided to admit him in his love, we should not overwhelm others statement "on the forehead." It is better to gently and gradually change their behavior, try to gently show others that you would not mind transfer of your friendly relations to a new level.

The easiest tactic - update your wardrobe by purchasing more romantic and recruiting stuff. Give up the pants and shorts in favor of skirts and dresses. Make a new hairstyle, change your makeup style. Changes certainly not go unnoticed, and your friend will be try to find out what is going on. Coquettish smile and languid sigh. Remarkably, if you can invite a friend to relax somewhere for the weekend. The joint trip to a romantic place to help you turn away from everyday life, relax and look at each other in a new way.

When the time is right, do not hesitate to talk openly about their feelings. But do not forget to make it clear to a friend that your confession to anything it does not oblige. No need to put the question bluntly, but leave the situation in limbo also not the best idea. Try to get a more or less definite answer.

If nothing happened ....

Most importantly - do not despair! Have you tried, you both made a crucial step, and you both gained valuable experience. The main thing now - to keep the friendship between you. Of course, it is difficult to remain friends after a romantic relationship (or failure on his part to change anything), but all in your hands. Pause, take a break from each other, apart from the inner experiences on any worldly affairs. When the pain subsides disappointment (and it certainly subside, the main thing is worthy to behave at break), there will be the revival of friendship. And maybe it will be even stronger and more devotees than it was before.

Tags: man, friend, love, woman, friendship