How to survive the departure of her husband to another

How to survive the departure of her husband to another
 In private life constantly alternating good and bad, but the care of a loved one to rival almost every woman suffers very hard. Whatever the reason was not caused by her husband's care - or the lack of actions razluchnitsy love for you, in any case, you will suffer, but this time you need to survive and move to a new happiness.
 To survive the departure of her husband, psychologists recommend first "blow off steam". To do this, you can cry and scream out loud, to punch a soft pillow. In the first stage you need to be alone, moving away from all the comforters and advisers. If all the accumulated bitterness in the heart does not let go of yourself, emotional wound will fester for a long time, like a corroding the soul within. And only when you have "cool down" and be able to assess the situation more or less objectively, we can already look for the reason that there was a caring husband and another woman.

Search for the cause is important not only to find the negative qualities of the former spouse, it is important for the abandoned wife, the woman was able to analyze their own mistakes. In the future, already in the construction of a new relationship with another man of such errors must be carefully avoided.

Husbands go to his mistress because of the frequent scandals at home, the crisis of married life, domestic difficulties, or perhaps a spouse was unhappy with it your behavior? Often the main reason for leaving the spouse of the family is not the mere appearance of a lover, and the behavior of his wife and change its image, the lack of a romantic relationship, resulting in gradually fading passion and sexual desire.

Answering the question of what to do after leaving her husband, psychologists advise to take a clean sheet of paper and a pen to write down all your positive qualities and strengths. This sheet is best to stick on the fridge with the help of magnets, and then a phrase such as "I am the most stunning and clever" you will see every day, and more than once.

To sad thoughts did not take the better of you, we can recommend to load themselves with work, and if your favorite business cases and not enough for you, think about your old hobbies and find some hobbies like. The main thing - not only set yourself realistic and achievable goal, but also systematically to achieve results. If you have a child, set the remnants of love for her ex-husband on the kid, surround it with maternal care, and do not put it on your attitude to his father, who had betrayed the family.

Think of your favorite treats that while living together with your ex-husband remained inaccessible. For example, arrange a bachelorette party at home, invite girlfriends to a cafe and have fun, is another option - go for a short vacation, perhaps you will have an unforgettable holiday romance. Now you are free, and can wear extravagant outfits, not to rush home from work, do not stand for hours in the kitchen by the stove.

Tags: Ambassador, care, another husband