How to find the right words, if a friend is bad

How to find the right words, if a friend is bad
 Best friend Nakhamu some unshaven type in the subway, neighbor chief publicly smashed to smithereens, and colleague wronged man, refusing to go with her out of town over the weekend. Now your phone is ringing off the hook, and all ask for advice. Although you are not a psychologist, but find the right words for each friend.

Your girlfriend is fired
If you are not an expert in labor law, it is best to refrain from tips. In this situation it is wise to let a friend talk. Ask her to tell me more about what happened, and those interested in the details, what was the reason for the dismissal. As a consolation, remind them that she still did not like this job. Now it is free and will be able to find a better place.

Your girlfriend threw the guy
Never say, "That's good! All the same, he did not like me at all. " Lovers can and make up, and your friend will not forget the words. It is better to get her back, prepare tea, something tasty, and ready to listen. Be patient and do not interrupt her woeful story. Consider that you just got unlucky with the broadcast.

Your girlfriend is pregnant
Do not say: "I would be in your shoes ...". You are not in its place, and it should take a decision on their own. Try to change the subject from the emotional to the practical bed. Discuss possible action, consider all the options, but do not insist on any of them. Now girlfriend is under the influence of hormones and emotions, and your task - to keep a clear head and a friend to help make the right decision.

Girlfriend found out that the seriously ill
The main feeling that she feels now, it's confusion. Understanding of the situation will come later. Your task is to give her confidence and optimism, as corny as it may sound. If possible, look for information about the disease which focus on cases of complete healing, in any case, do not let a friend to despair or to focus on the negative. Offer your help, and do not forget to say that you are confident: "Everything will be fine."

She died loved one
Wordy sympathy or formulaic phrases is not necessary. Your best friend - brevity. Honestly say that you are confused and do not know what can be said in such a situation. Be sure to let them know that you are close by and offer your help. Be ready at any moment to really drop everything and come.

Tags: people, man, word, friend, death, dismissal, separation, illness