Friends, friends and acquaintances. How to learn to be friends

Friends, friends and acquaintances. How to learn to be friends
 Good attitude, kind, and respectful familiarity among their friends can get, unfortunately, not all. And not always this may depend on social status, standard of living, occupation, or a limited amount of free time every day. Many people simply can not, can not and do not even seek to learn how to communicate with new people.

Communication in the life of every human being has one of the most important and nothing essential aspects of life. And no matter how you were not a loner, not to communicate in modern life with different people is almost impossible and absolutely can not. Merry meetings, parties, intimate conversations in the evenings, moral support when you feel sad and bad - this is what can give you your friends and not only. Of course, there are times when I want to be alone, to think, to reflect on life, their own affairs, to sum up, but this should always be far less than the carefree communicate with their buddies and friends.

Communication can give a lot. Getting to know new people, you expand your horizons, learn something new, to visit places that were previously unknown to you. And you can get to know the people who have the same interests and hobbies as you. What could be better than the people who share with you your goals and aspirations in life? And it so happens that there are just friends, which you can rarely see little to meet with them and virtually nothing is known about them for months, but in those moments when you meet, you talk to them about anything. You can even reveal such people soul, your heart - in a word, you can say something that never even zaiknetsya with their near and dear people. This also happens. And such people are simply necessary for everyone.

Probably in nature, at least until there is some specific and universal ways to help be a friend. And even a variety of books on psychology, promise to make you a guru in the field of communication with people after reading may not be the absolute truth and indispensable technique for life. Everything is much more complicated and at the same time a lot easier than it is written in them.

In order to be friends of friends and acquaintances, to be, primarily, itself. This rule has never and no one cancels. Your natural and genuine character (whatever it is) can be your trump card when communicating with many people. A sham and a desire to present themselves in the best light may, on the contrary, all very annoying.

Learn to be open and friendly. Treat your friends as you want them to treat you (corny, but it is still very difficult). Let us more and expect less help if they need it, selflessly and do not wait for the return. No need to constantly point out to your friends on their weaknesses. Believe me, they themselves are aware of them and make friends with you to forget about them. Do not make fights and try less offended. It is no use to anyone.

In order to have friends, family friends and acquaintances you just need to love people and want to communicate with them. Need to be open to new people and do everything new. And if you observe at least this is what the people themselves to reach for you, - because they just like you, want to be friends.

Tags: friend, acquaintance, the ability to mate