Forgive or revenge? If a man went to another ...

Forgive or revenge? If a man went to another ...
 Men often change, but the decision to leave the family take one. Therefore, if a man is gone from you to the other, trying to get it back is often doomed to failure. What to do - simply wrong or cruel revenge?

Forgive and let go - the decision of the mind. Everything has already happened, nothing will change, and anguish and anger destructive effect on the body. Do not dig in yourself, do not blame yourself.

Give vent to emotions. Weep, tears well help to calm down. Poshvyryatsya things can spoil or anything that had once belonged to him and was expensive. Emotional outburst will in the end, gain clarity of thought. It is important that all these manifestations of emotions culprit did not see, do not show him his weakness. If then he asks what happened to his favorite shirt, do not tell that you slash it to pieces, think of something else. For example, you gave it to charity.

At the most severe experiences may find that their forces to solve the problem is not enough. Then you can go to a therapist. Ask your friends, for sure, there will be contact quickly. A competent therapist will help you quickly understand yourself, forgive and let go of the wrong man.

And then you will have power for a new life. For starters, you can find a new hobby. This can be anything from crafts to extreme sports. New interests you the opportunity to open up dramatically upgrade your circle of acquaintances. In this round no one will remind you of recent events, and gradually you yourself forget about them.

In addition, now you have time for yourself. Go to a beauty salon, get your health in general, direct all efforts to always be in shape. Update your wardrobe. In less than a couple of weeks, as you yourself do not know - is this on such a beautiful, confident woman who has gone out? So, there he and the road. And you ahead of new discoveries, new life.

In the end, such behavior would be the most sophisticated revenge traitor. When he sees how happy you are fine and in a new life without him, he will definitely feel frustration. Especially often life with razluchnitsa not specified, it's one thing to lead a man, and quite another - to establish joint life with him. Maybe even a man wants you back. But whether to allow him to do it, you have to decide.

Tags: man, another betrayal