Envy friends

Envy friends
 In the life of a person is faced with a lot of unpleasant situations, one of which could be the envy of friends. This feeling does not play in your favor, although some believe that elevates their envy. Jealous girlfriend - a time bomb, sooner or later it will work, and the consequences can be very serious.

The envious man is capable of meanness, and the more confidence it enjoys, the more you can expect meanness.

Envy collapsed many ways. There are cases when this feeling pushed to dissolve girlfriends gossip, quarrels her friends with their young people or other friends. It often happens that the envious girlfriend tripped his good friends at work and school.

If you realize that your friend is jealous of you black envy, it is best to keep relations on a "no." Gradually cease to communicate with her, do not dedicate it to their business, and certainly not brag and achievements.

Saying about what friends are learned in trouble, requires revision. In trouble, you can feel the support, understanding, get help. But if your business went up the hill, if you have luck, then you know for many this can be a difficult test. In my eyes they can for you to rejoice. But envy do their dirty work, and you can be a hero by accident a bad gossip.

You got a new good job? Are you sure that your friend did not say to someone: "Of course, we understand how she got this place." And if you climb the corporate ladder, you may have heard behind her nasty whisper: "Well, you know what push these girls! »

Jealous girlfriend can arrange it so that gradually you quarreled with all your friends, it can seduce your boyfriend or even destroy a family.

Remember that a jealous man obsessed with black passion, and his negative energy will poison your life, even if no specific action against you will not be undertaken.

Sometimes envious people - great manipulators who can inspire you a sense of guilt for his luck, achievements and even happiness. Them envious, not to explain that you got the best job thanks to his perseverance and diligence, excellent training, and beloved husband appreciates your good character and sincere feeling. No, consumed with envy girlfriend always find an impartial explanation. So if you are envious of - hold on to the side of the envious.

Tags: girlfriend, envy