Small cars for women

Small cars for women
 The woman behind the wheel - a legend, myth, history, and even today it has become a joke. The problem is that men believe that the driving skills they contain genetically, and women no such gene. Therefore, we, the beautiful half suffer from ridicule men, although they are not better in many ways lead, sometimes even worse.

"Small cars only for women" - so they think, and contradict themselves, because almost all sports cars are small. And they say so because they believe that women can not park in the garage or outside the house because of the size of transport, and not because of inexperience. Oddly enough, but for a man of such errors do not notice and do not cry, crashing into the wall of the garage, you need to change the car less.

However, most women prefer small cars not because of allegations their partners, and on its own grounds. Thus, we consider the dignity of female small car:

1) This machine is very convenient to park. It does not require much space and the driver easily find a suitable place. While men are envious glances at you from the salons of their huge cars.

2) On such a machine is much more convenient to move around the city and rebuilt lanes.

3) Also, the machine is economical, not only with respect to its overall cost, but also fuel. What is important for women who are willing to spend money on a favorite than gasoline.

Next we recall the most popular women's cars, among them: "Suzuki Vitara", "Volkswagen Polo", "Peugeot 206", "Renault Twingo", "Golf" and many others. After examination of all these cars conclusion suggests itself: women they do not because their so-called manufacturer, but only because of its size, toy accessories and feminine forms. Men, as if disdaining to repel such transport, arguing that it is only suitable for their wives, in fact, engaged in self-suggestion. On these vehicles can travel both women and men. The latter believe that the size of their vehicle gives them solidity.

While women look pretty solid, even in crumbs-cars.

Important for women as a security system. Small cars are much weaker impact and damage, which is why they are equipped with ABS and airbags. So nature has that beautiful half less risk averse, so in my own little transport strives to provide everything.

Tags: car, machine, female, small, small, most