Physiognomy: the exterior influences career

Physiognomy: the exterior influences career
 Physiognomy - the doctrine, based on the definition of relations between the character and abilities of the individual and the external features of the human face and its expression. There is a theory that looks to a large extent can affect career.
 According to data obtained SuperJob employees as a result of the survey, attractive appearance greatly helps in hiring. In addition, there are certain stereotypes firmly settled in the minds of the people, by which on the basis of facial conclusions about a person's character.

For example, if the applicant comes to the interview with mediocre appearance, human resources manager may unconsciously assess him as a person, in good faith relating to their work. Such a contender for the vacant position rather take for responsible, hard work.

It's no secret that too attractive people sometimes hard to get the desired location. Ken Podrattsa research with faculty of psychology at Rice University have shown that the reason for this trend is that the beauties and handsome sometimes hard to take as individuals who have the skills and talents and having certain skills needed in the work.

In addition, quite beautiful girls can irritate service staff recruitment, which are often women. So if nature has endowed you external data above average, going on a job interview, try not to emphasize their beauty, less use makeup, gather your hair into a strict hairstyle, wear a classic suit, and possibly glasses, even with simple glass.

Studies on the effect of physical data on the career was obtained interesting information. It turns out that people who sympathize with his superiors in appearance, it is easier to get a promotion at work. At the same time plays a role not so much beauty in the general concept of how to comply with certain criteria and ideas about good looks, the established leadership.

On the basis of this conclusion, it can be concluded that personal charm is more important natural or acquired beauty. And that sometimes excessive appeal can interfere with a successful career.

Tags: beauty, appearance, physiognomy