How to learn to speak in public

How to learn to speak in public
 The ability to speak in public is especially important for managers at various levels, politicians, teachers, artists, and people who have to communicate with a large audience. Psychologists claim that the art of public speaking is subject to all appearances, it is necessary only to overcome the internal fear.  
 That powerful stress and panic, which cover the vast majority of people of public speaking, primarily related to the zakompleksovannostyu and self-doubt. The man who for a long time used to communicate with only a narrow circle of people he knew, suddenly finds himself face to face with a large audience and a stranger to him, the dialogue with which you can expect anything.

Advice that allow psychologists, is to try to take the audience not as a kind of hostile force, but as a family and friendly friends who will always be able to help you. And, of course, to the responsible performance should start preparing in advance.

Immerse yourself for a few minutes in an imaginary situation where you stand on the podium in front of large audiences. What do you feel: the joy of the upcoming dialogue, strong tension or indifference? If you're completely honest with yourself, you will feel like your breathing quickens, and some groups of muscles clamped. It is very important before each performance quickly and easily learn to relax the whole body, including those of its band that tighten only at the thought of public speaking.

Try to feel and really realize that you are completely free from the shackles you stress and fear. Think about the upcoming speech with pleasure, knowing that by doing so you win your own fears and overcome internal barriers.

Mentally imagine that you - a brilliant orator whose speech pours absolutely free. Remember the feeling of flight and freedom that gives you such a fantasy, and try to make this image in its real-time behavior of public speaking.

To start learn how to practice speaking skills in a small group of people, among his relatives and friends, try to captivate the attention of listeners to his speech as long as possible, periodically toss new information, interesting stories.

Try to keep your intonation richer and more intense emotions - just so the audience will understand that discussed topic you are interested in reality. Even if your report is important and interesting, but your tone is inexpressive and boring, no one in the audience you simply will not believe.

Practice acquired during public performances, be sure to come in handy in everyday activities: possession of oratory skills will help you better prove their own point of view, to convince colleagues and management in the right.

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