How to get a pension policy

How to get a pension policy
 About his future pension should think from the first days of work. Therefore, it is important to know why there is a pension policy and how to get it. For many, of course, is not a problem, but, nevertheless, not everyone knows how to make policy and in what time frame it has to be made.
 Pension insurance policy is one of the documents that a person must provide at the conclusion of the employment relationship. It does not matter - it's constant work, contract or temporary employment contract. Pension policy confirms that the person is registered in the state pension insurance in Russia. It looks like a green plastic card.

Pension insurance policy contains information about the account number, which lists the mandatory basis. It was on his employer and translates mandatory payments of the employee. The presence of policy affirms the right of an employee to insurance benefits upon reaching retirement age, that is, from these amounts will depend on the size of future pension.

A person should not suffer the question, where to get a pension policy. The document is issued on the first job with the workbook. If a person goes to work for the first time and it does not have a policy, then the employer is engaged in this question. Two weeks later, he must give the finished policy directly to the employee. If at the expiration of this period, the retirement policy was not passed, then the employee should ask the employer about the reasons for the delay of the document.

Of course, he can arrange it himself, it should go to the pension fund, to fill in there profile, which specifies the personal information: name, date of birth, passport details and registration. Recently, pension policies began to do in childhood. To do this, you need only provide a birth certificate. Then for a job the employer will no longer be involved in the management in the pension fund.

Pension policy needs to be changed in case of change of surname. Also, the pension fund must apply in the event of loss of pension insurance policy or if it can not see the important parameters. To replace or restore the policy will also have to fill out a questionnaire, but it does not take much time. These circumstances will not affect the value of future pension as a personal account remains the same.

Tags: policy, insurance, insurance