Depression after the holidays: to work and not to die of boredom

Depression after the holidays: to work and not to die of boredom
 Observation of psychologists, most people by the end of the holidays start moping and with a heavy heart wait until the week. A crucial role is played by the length of stay: access to work after long New Year holidays in May or more complicated and fraught with the development of depression. Gradually enter into the workflow and maximize the accumulated force can only be adhering to the correct change its vital rhythms.
 The process of adaptation to work after the holidays depends on whether you like his work. If you are doing interesting and favorite work, the rest will be a pleasant break, after which it is easy and fun, you can return to the work environment. When there is no love, Upcoming perceived as punishment. In this case, try to look at the familiar surroundings of other views and determine what you do not like to work the most. Try to minimize the routine, change the nature of their duties and make work more relaxed rhythm.

In the first days after the rest try not to overload yourself more or unfamiliar to you business. Start with daily tasks that you perform on a regular basis. After a while, you are ready for new challenges. Intelligently distribute daily load, well-defined plan of priority backlog of jobs. Solve them gradually, then you will not have the feeling that all the work fell on his head again.

Try to do the job for a day's work, not to linger in the workplace at least in the first days after the holidays. Do not take home that did not have time to finish at work, do not keep a business calls at home. Night to fully relax, enjoy communicating with family and friends.

Support your body with proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air, and to strengthen physical exercise. All this contributes to the development of the human body much happiness hormones - endorphins. Do not attempt to lighten the mood with the help of spirits, and if you want to get rid of the depressed state, better eat a banana or a piece of dark chocolate. These products are potent antidepressants.

Tags: work, the ambassador, vacation, depression, output, longing