What if I have offended you at work

What if I have offended you at work
Confrontation at work are often. Unfortunately, in some teams is a common phenomenon. The most annoying is that the reasons for the abuse itself often simply do not have - we have a personal dislike a person because of his personal characteristics.

However, this does not relieve us of the fact of abuse. If you are offended at work, it is necessary first of all to remember that you are now at work, not in life. What difference does it make? Almost everything.

First, you must understand that the work is not the place to emotions. Your worst enemy if you are offended - is yourself, because you can temper mangled a lot of firewood. It is possible that this is the purpose of the offender - discrimination you in the eyes of management and staff. Therefore, the answer to the method of an eye for an eye should not be.

Secondly, the work - a place where people have to respect each other and to perceive how what is said and what is happening. This means that you have the right to pull up any who crossed that line in order to remind him of his obligations.

In view of the above, it appears that the best solution if you are offended at work - to put in place the offender reminder that he chose the expression, because it is situated on the job. Remind him about respect. Keep your tone of smooth, confident and tough, not to disrupt the cry. Your video should be no aggression, humiliation should pass you by.

And how about that tolerate an insult? Unfortunately, once you've let yourself insult at work, you show yourself as an easy prey, and soon you may be other people to take up arms.

Tags:work place, an insult, work, rudeness, the pressure