How to write an application to increase the discharge

How to write an application to increase the discharge
 Questions of attribution and increase discharge to employees governed by the provisions of the General p.p.10-21 single tariff-skilled manual occupations, approved in 1985. According to him, these issues are the responsibility of the Qualification Commission, which is created by the order of the director. But the reason for the meeting of the Commission a statement of the employee.
 Prior to write an application to increase the discharge, consider all the arguments that you can bring in favor of what your qualifications are increased, and you may qualify for a higher rank, class, category. Take a standard sheet of typing paper A4 pen with black or blue ink and begin to write a statement.

In the upper right corner write the name and initials, as head of the enterprise and the full name of your company. Then write the word "from" and enter your name, title, category, class, or group, the name of the department in which you work.

After the address part of the middle line write capitalized the word "statement" and, departing with a red line outlining the nature of your request. Start it with the words "Please accept my qualifying exam for the rank-so."
Provide brief information about themselves and their work. Write a school and when you're finished, what specialty acquired during training. Tell us about the experience of the work in this specialty, list the level that you have, specify which category you have now.

Then you need to present the facts, which are the basis for improving your discharge. As such arguments can be advanced training courses or training that you attended or graduated. The reason for obtaining a higher category may be obtained a second degree, you receive a certificate after passing the training.

You must include your idea to increase your rank, you will write your immediate supervisor - the master, the shift supervisor. In it, he should describe your professional skills to characterize you as an employee, to describe personal qualities and tell about your achievements in the workplace.

Tags: statement, raising the commission, the discharge