How to write a certification works on category

How to write a certification works on category
 According to the order of the Ministry of Health №808n, health professionals should periodically validate their skills, professional knowledge and skills. This knowledge expert commission checks including certification by the work that writes this doctor. Should not be taken to writing the appraisal report "slack", because then how well it will be written, can affect and to obtain higher qualifications.
 If you do not know how to write a job qualification attestation, then treat this as the writing of scientific and practical work, which summarize their experience over the past few years and analyze its results.

Like any scientific report, your work must contain an introduction. It provide brief information about yourself that done, where they worked, list the training courses and award-winning certificates or accomplishments.

Give information about the medical facility where you work at the moment: the number of beds, number of visits, lists the types provided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, mark the features that distinguish it from other institutions of this kind.

Give a description of the offices, which employs you. Tell us about the main tasks and how it works. Note how it is equipped with all necessary equipment. Reflect branch staff structure and mark the place that you occupy in it, list their duties and responsibilities.

In the main part of the work tell us about your activities in the last three years. A comparative analysis of the data this time, compare their performance with similar branch, region or country. Use for clarity, tables, graphs and charts that accompany the number of deployed explanatory text.

Analyze give characteristic contingent display system diagnostics, tell us about the therapeutic work, consider some fatal cases and mortality in general. Tell us about the new methods and techniques that you use in your work. If you have any rationalization or methodological developments, tell us about them, mention of the consultation activities.

Mention in the report, if it occurred, its participation in the GO, health education, activities in the health insurance and working with nurses.

Finally, draw conclusions, give suggestions, indicate the future prospects of its activities in all areas.

If necessary, bring the end of the list of the specific literature and its publications.

Tags: work, doctor, report category structure, certification