How to make a way out of the maternity leave

How to make a way out of the maternity leave
 If you're going to get out of the maternity leave - on schedule or ahead of schedule - you will need to properly execute all documents to guide could again take you to the number of active employees.
 In accordance with the LC RF duration of leave to care for a child - 3 years from the date of his birth. After that, the mother needs to resign or, or to go to work. That is why, without waiting for the expiry of maternity leave, you should decide whether you are going to leave the service and devote herself to raising a baby or return to their official duties.

Refer to the employer at least one month before the scheduled return to work and write a statement about restoring you in the state. Indicate in the text of the statement, which day would you want to take up his duties. In this case, you should take into account the fact that for the decoration of your desktop Mete will take some time. After all, the employer and the head of the personnel department will have to review staffing, dismiss your deputy or to abolish overlapping. A chief accountant - to make recalculation of salaries of employees and impose severance pay of workers employed in place of you.

If you want to undertake the education of the child, with a letter of resignation on his own will too, do not procrastinate. The employer should be warned about this 14 days before the proposed date of your release from maternity leave. Perhaps you know in advance that you will find: irregular unaccounted schedule, lack of formal training, work in conditions of safety violations, and more. But the best is no reason or explanation in the statement is not given, then to have the labor inspectorate does not appear superfluous questions to the administration of your organization, and you are not well-worn on the courts.

Once you've written statement of withdrawal from maternity leave or the dismissal of their own volition, management must issue a corresponding order. Read it and date and signature. Take in this period your workplace or contact the accounting for termination benefits, and to the personnel department - for the workbook.

If you decide to leave early from maternity leave, the wording of the statement and the order will be somewhat different. You should ask for admission to work and wait until management decides and will issue an executive order. However, you can always change your mind again and maternity leave.

Tags: leave out, decree, duration