How to calculate the compensation for the delay in wages

How to calculate the compensation for the delay in wages
 According to the article number 236 of the Labour Code for the delay in wages put compensation, the amount of which shall be specified in the internal legal acts of the company, but can not be less than 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.  
 If you have not been paid, and it shall be given at least twice a month with the equivalent amount of time, you may apply to the labor inspectorate, prosecutor or the court. Write a statement, specify the amount of wages, terms of delay.

You have the right to receive compensation for the delay not only wages, but also for late payment of vacation pay, compensation for unused vacation, calculation of severance and other amounts owed to you.

According to your statement authorized representatives of these authorities will be obliged to employer not only to repay the entire amount of arrears of wages, but also to charge compensation according to the instructions of internal regulations of the enterprise, but not less than 1/300 of the total outstanding amount for each day of delay.

Compensation for delayed payment of wages is calculated according to the formula in which the salary should be multiplied by 1/300 and multiplied by the number of days delinquent on payments, unless otherwise stated in the internal regulations. For example, if your salary is 20 thousand, the delay period is 60 days, you will receive a payment equal to 4,000 thousand. The amount of payments per day of delay will be equal to 66, 67 rubles.

If the internal acts of the company shows a different payment, make a payment based on the actual interest rates. For example, if you specify the compensation in the amount of 1/200, then divide the salary by 200 and multiply by the number of days overdue. In this example, the amount will be equal to one day $ 100, 60 days - 6000 rubles.

If the employer does not agree with the request for the repayment of wages to employees and accrued compensation for each day of delay, he will add a large administrative penalty. As the work of the enterprise may be suspended for up to 90 days, which are given for full settlement with employees.

Tags: labor boards, selling, wages, formula, compensation, payment, payment delay