Fear chief: how to fight and win

Fear chief: how to fight and win
 If you close approximation chief in the browser all unrelated to the operation of the site, complete the personal calls, take a serious look, and on the back you have a chill runs - on the face of all the signs of fear of the chief. Why are you afraid of his boss? And how to deal with that fear?

There are several reasons due to which you may be experiencing fear chief:

1. Lack of confidence

Very often the fear of leadership experience people with low self-esteem. In the event of non-standard things in them starting to think that is about to be followed by dismissal. And if that happens, they will have a long time to look for work. Conjure terrible pictures of lack of money.

If that is the case, stop and take a look at dramatize the situation soberly. For dismissal must be a good reason, and to the workers 'nuances' should be treated calmly. Try to raise your self-esteem. This will help you a special book or psychological counseling.

If your lack of confidence in their abilities is under a real basis, that is, you do the work below the required level, think about changing activity. Engaged in that business, where you really understand.

2. Fear of disapproval

This fear usually experience perfectionists who all want to be the best and never be wrong. These people are very hard to experience their "mistakes", and if they notice errors boss, they generally fall into extreme depression.

If you suffer from excessive perfectionism, you should grasp the simple truth: "I am not mistaken, only those people who do not do anything." Rather than blame themselves, think about how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. By the way, if you will scold for clerical mistake boss, you'll be able to switch his attention to an error on how you plan to prevent it in the future.

3. Pressure

Among the various chiefs there are instances that like to have on his subordinates psychological pressure no matter how well and quickly the work is performed. Usually work under the supervision of such a person is difficult, so the staff to keep their nerves, trying to give as little as possible grievances.

If you got just such a boss to defeat the fear of it, a simple psychological trick. The next time he starts screaming, imagine the boss in some ridiculous and absurd form. For example, in the clown suit.

4. Unpredictability

Fear chief may be due simply unknown. The new employee does not know how the boss will react, for example, the delay in carrying out the work or being late.

If you came to work at the new location, ask colleagues about the habits of the chief. This will help you cope with fear and guard against surprises.

Regardless of the cause of fear to overcome his chief will also help these simple truths:

1. The chief - a man, not a god

The realization that your boss is only human, can help you get rid of the fear of him. By the way, often in leadership positions people fall not because of some kind of exclusivity, but because others were quicker or even through patronage.

2. Head is not eternal

Your boss may also lose their positions, so there is washed to curry favor with him. Tomorrow, a month or a year in its place may come another man with whom will likely have to build a relationship anyway. Therefore servility is no guarantee you a long and carefree existence at work.

3. The staff - a force

In building a successful relationship with the head often helps team spirit. But this works only if your team is no disparate groups, some of which are eager to please management, and others - are in opposition. Cohesive team can be a powerful force and influence decision-making by management.

Tags: fear, head, fear