Cast and subordination when it is most needed?

Cast and subordination when it is most needed?
 People spend at work most of his life. Those who work in a team is very important to clearly define their responsibilities and identify the boundaries that should not move. These boundaries there is not a little, but still remains the most acute border business communication. One need only observe a few simple rules of subordination to work among colleagues was comfortable.  

Do not be too outspoken and make his personal life for public discussion. Such conversations at work quite appropriate, and in the worst case, could result in further against you. Purely business relationships and conversations, nothing more.

 It is necessary to preserve the independence and integrity, even if the collective opinion is contrary to yours. It is not necessary to conflict, and if this can not be avoided, keep his composure.

 The conflict between superior and subordinate is also very likely, because they are in an unequal position initially. Indignation, resentment and even the desire to quit may cause reprimand the chief. Should take this as constructive criticism, calm down and try to rectify the situation.

 Before demanding from subordinates performance of job duties, the chief must be able to show by example that the problem is feasible.

With such a leader is never a conflict, misunderstanding or dispute, and all orders are executed accurately, clearly, efficiently and in a timely manner. In those communities where the relationship between employees based on mutual respect, not because of authoritarian opinion boss formed position of loyal subordinate relationship.

 Sometimes keep their job and to climb in without breaking the chain of command positions almost impossible. Under constant competition nobody will move forward, if not propel itself.

Tags: Head, staff, subordination