Ritual handshake

Ritual handshake
 Handshake is perhaps one of the most ancient gesture that was used in human communication and symbolized the absence of threats and bad intentions. This is a mandatory component of the ritual for the Europeans any dating, greetings and farewells. Over time, the rules for exchanging hands several transformed, so you should take this into account in the business etiquette.

Previously, a man clearly did not have to stretch the first lady's hand for a handshake. Now it does not matter who partners fellow man or woman will be first. However, if the head of the delegation - a woman, still it determines whether the handshake will take place. How to bring people remember this and wait until the lady-leader of the first helping hand. On the other hand, it is also necessary to consider that at the beginning and end of a business meeting with business partners, and, moreover, competitors, a handshake is necessary.

In order not to seem rude and even insolent, you should remember a few rules. Firstly, never squeeze too hard or too weak hand interlocutor, and, especially, the companion. Handshake should be short (2-3 seconds), determined, energetic, but painless.

Do not reach for a handshake with both hands, clasping the hand of a friend. So you can say hello to a friend who had not seen for a long time, but not with a colleague. And do not pull his hand before a process of representation. First sentence should follow representation, and behind it - a gesture. Do not shake the hand of a friend and did not pull her to him - your hands should be touching at the same distance.

At the official meeting and cocktail party, never hold in his right hand a glass with a drink or a folder with documents. It should always be free to the date at which you do not have to look for a place where it's all put or place. This may seem discourteous interlocutor.

During the handshake does not hide his eyes and takes them to the side. You have to open your eyes to look at counterpart, accompanying words of welcome smile. Hand must not be soiled or sweaty. If you are not sure, then it is not forbidden to wipe it before submit (but not after).

Serve arm outstretched thumb folded and the other facing forward. Fully puts his hand in the hand of a friend.

Remember that there are only five situations where it is appropriate to use a handshake: during the presentation of a stranger when hello or goodbye when renew acquaintance and when someone hands you a first hand.

Tags: attitude, ritual handshake