Psychology of business communication

Psychology of business communication
 Such a thing as communication, known to everyone as it is an integral part of life in the community, is a way of interacting with other people, to exchange information. But business communication is a separate part of this interaction and plays an important role in human life.

Communication takes place between people on a daily basis on an instinctive level, do not need to have special expertise that would communicate with friends, talking on the phone, playing with the child or parents to visit. But when it comes to business communication, it becomes clear that without the use of certain instruments and techniques, it will be at least as effective.

Successful business people are asking: what is the essence of the psychology of business communication, study methods of influencing the interlocutor, used in our work methods that by means of proper communication attract customers, motivate customers. Direct live communication is a sure path to success, and the ability to correctly and positively provide information interlocutor - is an important factor, as morose and taciturn man at once will cause distrust and caution, even if it is professional.

There are many tips, rules, techniques for business communication. All are based on the existence of verbal and nonverbal behavior, ie speech and non-verbal signs. If you learn some of the plurality of devices, you can easily use them in business communication. For example, watch the eyes of the interlocutor, if he looks away, most likely it is not yet formed an opinion about you, there are doubts if it looks right in the face, then rest assured - you trust.

And in a verbal exchange most important rules are:

• Avoid the words "I", "me";
• monitor the speed of speech, too fast - will position you as a frivolous person, and slow - will cause irritation;
• try to call a friend by name, but just as he introduced himself;
• Position yourself with someone, put yourself in his place;
• ask his opinion, specify, whether you have understood it;
• Be polite to the extent and considerate to your courtesy is not taken for flattery.

Psychology of communication - a broad concept, it gives you the opportunity to learn to understand people correctly recognize non-verbal signs, affect the interlocutor, to achieve your goals.

Tags: communication, psychology