Lessons virtual etiquette

Lessons virtual etiquette
 Many people underestimate the importance of proper management of correspondence and chat online. Nevertheless, even your punctuation can help the other person to form an opinion about you. There are some rules that should be followed to make a favorable impression.

First of all, we should not ignore the spelling and punctuation. It is best to check emails and messages to be sent to the appropriate editor. Start sentences and names, and names should be written with a capital letter. In no case do not put exclamation points at the end of each sentence. It looks as if you're too emotional. In official correspondence at the end of the letter added, "Sincerely, Name, Last Name."

Should regularly check your mail and immediately respond to emails. Letters should not be too long. Reread them several times before sending to make sure that everything is clear. Making your recipient wrestle with the text - just rude. Do not forget to indicate the subject - it makes life easier for the recipient. Because he was so in the first place, it is easier to determine the importance of the message and to calculate the time. In addition, it shows your respect for him.

Preferably not send letters business nature with the mailbox type kotenochek @. It is better to register something more neutral, it is desirable to include your first and last name.
When it comes to chatting, and the other person is sitting with the phone - do not send a lot of short messages in a row, it is better to send one long. Otherwise, read all of the text will take a very long time. In addition, let the other person speak, make sure that you understand his thought, and then start writing the answer.

Internet etiquette etiquette is very similar to real life. And if you doubt the correctness of a particular behavior - give up such a line. And remember that in the correspondence you express only their main ideas (write a little more time-consuming process than to speak), and therefore give the other party a pretty good idea about your personality. Try to have written it possessed to you buddy, but not pushed.

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