Features electronic etiquette

Features electronic etiquette
 Once with the advent of the telegraph and telephone people have come to believe that the epistolary genre has sunk into oblivion. But writing as a means of communication between people who are far away from each other, are still valid. With the advent of Internet genre of written communication in general has become incredibly popular. Of course, now do not write letters on paper and use this computer. And changed the rules of correspondence - appeared electronic etiquette.

When it comes to the epistolary genre, the first thing that comes to mind most people - is Tatyana's letter to Onegin, or even any of the classic examples of writing. Meanwhile, imagine handling a la "I write to you" on the monitor screen is difficult. What is an electronic etiquette and how to communicate in e-mails to avoid being branded ignorant?

When it comes to business correspondence, there is nowhere as important brevity. Your daily destination have to read dozens of letters, but because excessive florid style, presentation and confusion smearing thought you did not put up in the best light.

As, however, and spelling errors. In many institutions (and just have competent people) are not accepted to take seriously a person, allowing spelling mistakes or typos.

However, the brevity brevity, but replace the word abbreviations to reduce terms and phrases not worth it. But not at the expense of politeness. "Thank you", "please" are still magical and necessary in any communication with words.

Emails decided to write a standard font, without overloading its exotic and special effects. And for convenience (read from the screen differs from reading the paper) reader electronic text made to break into small (approximately 500 characters) paragraphs, leaving between them a blank line.

And, of course, smiles. Some people manage to put smiles even in normal letters written by hand on paper. In emails smilies quite appropriate. But not in the business correspondence.

In ancient times, something weighty in addition to writing it was customary to send a parcel. Today there is an opportunity to "priattachit" any file to the letter. Attach (without prior approval) attachments larger than 1 MB is not accepted.

And finally, there is a rule of correspondence on the Internet, which also operates in a telephone etiquette. Conversation (conversation) always ends the one who initiated it.

Tags: internet, communication, correspondence, feature