Since hair loss can fight!

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 The problem of hair loss is quite relevant. There are effective measures to combat this disease, which allows to achieve a good therapeutic effect. But at the same time we should not forget about the observance of preventive measures.

First of all, you need to pay attention to nutrition. Eating greasy, spicy, smoked foods adversely affects the condition of hair. The diet must attend a mandatory raw vegetables and fruits. In addition, dairy products, nuts, honey, sunflower oil, bran bread help to strengthen hair.

Should be consumed multivitamin preparations during periods when the body is experiencing the greatest need for vitamins and minerals - is the autumn-winter period, the period of recovery after colds.

Hair loss can prevent or stop its progression through the use of herbal medicine. Thus, the use of herbal infusions, decoctions or herbal ointments have proven to be highly effective. For example, we can recommend rubbed into the scalp derived from a burdock juice or ointment from burdock.

If hair loss is strongly expressed, it is possible to rinse hair decoction, which is prepared from the root of sweet flag. Only be pre-boil the rhizome at 0, 5 liters of solution of vinegar. This procedure helps prevent hair loss.

A good remedy is a decoction of young nettles. Only to be used the nettle, which is collected before it blooms. In this decoction should be regularly rinsed hair.

Suspends hair loss using a decoction of lime blossom. They need to wash my hair before the improvement. Such procedures should be carried out for at least one month.

I should say that it is very important to choose the right shampoo for washing the hair. Currently on the market have a wide selection of goods cosmetic products based on herbs that can recommend them for permanent use.

Strengthen the hair can be achieved through massage the scalp directly. Carrying out this massage helps to achieve a more pronounced clinical effect and, more importantly, it is your own.

Tags: hair loss