Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

 Three years ago, chemical, or permanent waving of hair to celebrate its centenary. Much has changed since then, as a German hairdresser Karl Nessler in front of the astonished audience made permanent his wife, who, it should be noted, by the time twice fell off hair because irrepressible enthusiasm inventive spouse. Sacrifice Frau Nessler enabled pryamovolosym women around the world to fulfill the dream of curls. Today, the process himzavivki changed almost beyond recognition, and got a variety of methods, including the most benign. Women's magazine JustLady talks about the current state of permanent.

In the rubric Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy

Perm. Acid? Alkali? Neutrality?

General principleperm - Change the natural structure of the hair. To this end, the hair should be somehow softened destroying sulfur bonds ("bridges") in keratin, and then add a new form with the aid of auxiliary means (rollers, bobbins, pins, rollers) and attach the result. Karl Nessler hair softened by heating at very high temperatures, and in the mid 40-ies of the last century was inventedcold permIn which thioglycolic acid is used. But it has not received sufficient spread of unstable effect. Later, during theperm used a combination of chemical and physical heat.

Perm damages the hair, if only because it changes their structure, and completely safe, this procedure will not ever. Due to violations of the molecular bonds chemically curled hair becomes a porous despite the fact that after fixing the curl there are new molecular bonds, and hair freezes in the new position, he is no longer the same and becomes a glued the pieces. Even if the hair looks great (which means only that scales to protect its core, smoothed and stand still), because of the effect of chemicals on its structure becomes fragile and vulnerable. And, of course, the more aggressive funds have been applied inchemical perms and less attention was paid to the restoration of the "bridges" in the keratin of the hair, the more damage will be done to hair, and, accordingly, it will look worse. Curly obsolete "nuclear" drugs strands often look lifeless, matted, slovenly.

Classical remainTwo types of perm: Acid and alkaline.Acid perm - This is what we did in the barbershop our grandmothers, neighbors, and even my mother. Hard clearly designed curl lasts up to six months and irreversibly alters the hair structure - even if beautiful curl straighten that part of the hair that has been exposed to acid, will never look the same as before. In addition, acidpermparticularly harmful thin and soft hair and dry scalp. Today, many salons offercombined perm with thioglycolic acid: it gives a beautiful, lush, but short-lived curl (the effect lasts for 1-2 months). But thioglycolic acid is gentle to the hair and scalp, and it can help to successfully curl even bleached and dyed hair, however, provided an accurate dosage and exposure time of the drug.

Alkaline perms generally less aggressive than the acid, but that's why can not take on too smooth, heavy or long hair. Lasts up to 3 months, but this time, you will enjoy the natural soft curl.

Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

Neutral permchange the structure of the hair is not in an alkaline or acidic medium, and, as you might guess, a pH-neutral. Its advantage is that it is effective on hair of any length and makes any resilient curl portions of the hair, regardless of the original injury and is suitable for soft even thin hair. In some salons neutral permcalled wet perm curlers in curlers or followed by treatment with a lock - dries hair take a new form, continuing until the next shampooing. So be careful, and deciding on the permanent neutrality, make sure that it will get it.

Perm. Beautiful curls with minimal casualties

Technologies develop, and in the XXI century ladies can turn their attention to the many types of benign zavivok, which develops drugs for leading cosmetics companies in the world.

For example, it is extremely popular right nowcysteine ​​perm hair. With its use of the hair related cysteine ​​amino acid component gently and precisely destroys the sulfur bridges, responsible for the structure of the hair and helps them properly "grow together", taking a new form. Cysteine ​​perm is also called "biozavivka" and it is already known for many decades in Asian countries, but to the European part of the world has come relatively recently.

Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

Silk waving of hair got its name due to the content of natural silk in preparations. It gives unspoken curl rather wave kept short, but the hair looks very noble and natural.

Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

Similar to silk, but is more resistant and ofomlennostyu curltwo-phase (Japanese, LC2-wave) wave. Due to the content of lipids and proteins in the preparations it does not dry the hair and can be recommended even for those who have sensitive or problem skin head.

Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

Sensory hair perms - Perhaps the most progressive type permanents available today. At its conduct a special diagnostic computer, which determines the condition of the scalp, as well as the type and extent of damage to the hair, and the program calculates the optimal waving. Thus, the detrimental effect on the hair is reduced to a minimum.

Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

Perm. You ringlets or mane?

Types zavivok give an idea of ​​the drug used, and the method to determine the size and nature of the future curls. At chemical perms are most often used:

- Curlers: rubber rollers thick with male finger. Create the effect of curls, ringlets.
Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

- Bobbins: Golden Classics, thickened at the ends of wooden skewers, fixes disposable rubber band. Are of different lengths and thicknesses, varying which can achieve various goals. With the help of assigned vertically bobbins make spiral chemistry, insanely popular in the '80s.
Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

- Braids: they can create African-mane. To this end, the entire mass of hair braided into tiny braids, the tips of which is wound on the bobbin, and treated with drugs.
Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

- Pin: large non-metallic stiletto lovers often prefer carving (gentle chemistry, long-laying). Hair wound on a pin, look lush, slightly curved like.
Perming hair (photo). Curly on their own!

AfterpermJustLady recommends:

- Wash your hair no earlier than 2-3 days. It will be easy, because the permanent dries the hair and scalp, hair will not look greasy, but it is important for the longevity of the drug.

- Not pigeonhole appropriate care, in which Curly hair needs more than any other, but do not forget that an overabundance's Skin and styling products makes curls matted and flat. When laying give preference to funds with a light structure (mousses or sprays), containing keratin, panthenol and ceramides.

- Use a comb with big teeth

- Does not dry the hair dryer curled hair before they strike styling mousse or other Heat protective agent. The structure of the hair and so experienced large chemical adventure, to what testing her patience.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: braid, hair, effect, hair curlers, Ambassador, gold, chemistry, name, curl, wave, wave, review, influence, biochemistry, preparation, structure, version, stud, biozavivka, Bobbin