Masks for normal hair growth

Masks for normal hair growth
 Beautiful and thick hair at all times considered a sign of good health and true beauty. If you decide to grow long and luxurious mane, but not quite succeed in this business, do not lose faith, and start using homemade mask for faster hair growth.
 Onion mask for faster hair growth

For the preparation of firming mask, you will need one large bulb that needs to be cleaned from the husk and grate. Mix four tablespoons of onion pulp with a tablespoon of natural honey. The resulting mixture rub massaged into the roots of the hair, leave for half an hour and rinse with warm water acidulated with lemon juice or vinegar, so you can get rid of the smell of onions.

Effective mask for hair growth

Mask prepared based oils help the active hair growth. For its production mix in equal amounts castor and burdock oil, add a few drops of vitamins A and E, oil-based. The resulting composition is slightly warm and rub light and massaged into the scalp. Put a plastic bag and leave the mask on for a couple of hours. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that she could not wash off the first time. This method, when used regularly, can work wonders - soon you will have beautiful and long hair.

Beer mask for hair growth

For the preparation of beer mask you need a glass of fresh beer, which must be carefully stir two egg whites. Apply the mixture on your head, rub into the skin in a circular motion and put a plastic cap and wrap a warm towel on top. Incubate mask for one hour and room temperature water rinse. Beer contains B vitamins, which favorably affect the structure of the hair, making them healthy and strong.

Speed ​​up hair growth will head massage with oils. This procedure will help deliver all the necessary material in the roots with greater intensity and improve blood circulation. To obtain the desired result, pay massage for at least ten minutes a day. To do this, prepare the following mixture: Mix in equal proportions castor, olive and coconut oil. Heating to a temperature of 40 degrees and apply makeup on the scalp, gently rub and massage with your fingertips.

Tags: hair mask