How to preserve the color of colored hair

How to preserve the color of colored hair
 Dyed hair are doubly vulnerable, since the components contained in the composition of even the most gentle paint, destroy the structure of the hair, making it dry and brittle. To avoid repainting a month after the first, and give your hair the ability to "relax", provide them with the care and special care.  
 Nourishes the hair from the inside, taking vitamins and minerals, which are composed of vitamins A and E, ginkgo biloba, soy lecithin and fatty acids.

Use of folk remedies for colored hair. Add the whipped to a froth two egg yolks teaspoon lemon juice. Causing the mixture on the hair, massage your head for 5 minutes and rinse hair with warm water.

Rub into the scalp 2 beaten egg yolks, comb your hair and wrap your head with a towel. After 10 minutes, remove and rinse hair with warm water. Rinse hair after washing infusion of equal parts of sage, chamomile and yarrow, brewed liter of boiling water.

Pick a special shampoo for colored hair, the tone of which coincides with their color. Tint components in this shampoo will enhance color and protect it from rapid flushing. Use the air conditioner of the same brand as the shampoo. Ideally, these agents should be released by the same manufacturer, which you use paint to change color. Every 7 days, apply a face mask on your hair, helps to preserve color.

Pay attention to the components contained in the means for hair care. Preservation of color and shine promote soy protein, multivitamins, sesame and almond oil, coconut jelly.

Dry hair is cool or warm air, and if time permits, allow them to dry naturally. Wash your hair with warm boiled water or rinse her hair after washing. So you minimize the devastating effects of chlorine. The same considerations do not abuse the swimming pool, and best of all, and discard it.

Protect colored hair from UV exposure: use shampoos that contain special filters, or wearing hats. Avoid the use of tools to facilitate stacking, "stealing" color pigments of the hair structure.

Tags: hair color preserving