How to paint the gray hair henna

How to paint the gray hair henna
 Noble gray hair to face the men. Women also tend to paint it in all possible ways. Now in stores you can find any hair dye. You can dye your hair yourself, but you can do it in the cabin. However, despite the variety of colors is not losing popularity this natural dye known as henna. This means not only stains the hair in a beautiful red color, but also has a restorative and healing effect.
 Henna painting procedure is very simple. If you have long hair, mix 200 grams of henna. For a short haircut enough 50 grams. In order not to get your hands dirty, you should use rubber gloves. Apply henna convenient special brush and shoulders better than to throw an old towel.

To obtain a composition for coloring should pour boiling water and henna mix. Should get a paste. If you want to have your hair is not too bright red shade, you can add to the mix a little Basma. It will mute the brightness, and you can achieve a beautiful chestnut color.

Before painting the hair must be thoroughly cleaned and a little dry. To avoid ugly red stripes on the skin, can be spread cream forehead and temples. It is better if it is bold. Put it on the edge of the hair. After staining, you can easily drop that cream with a wet towel or cotton swab. If the person still will stain, rub the contaminated sites makeup remover.

Apply the pulp must be carefully carefully prokrashivaya strands. Better to start with the roots. The mixture should be warm, but not hot. Impose it must be fast, so she did not have time to cool down.

After the henna is applied to the hair, it is necessary to put on the head of a plastic shower cap. Top povyazhite towel to keep warm. To dye gray hair, you will need to keep the henna for about 15 minutes. More is not necessary - you can get a real "fire" on the head, especially if the hair is thin. Wash ink using warm water without shampoo. Thoroughly rinse hair so they left grains. Do not be surprised if the first day of your hair will not particularly bright - henna tends to manifest itself in a few days. It is better to once again paint the hair than to get a result that is not pleasant.

Tags: hair, henna, gray hair