How to grow healthy hair

How to grow healthy hair
 Healthy hair is nowadays possible to grow is not for everyone, affects poor environment, the use of styling products, hair dryer, straighteners. Hair lose their original luster, whipped, become brittle.
 To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to properly care for the hair. To begin the application discard hair dryer and ironing or even pinch the use thereof to a minimum. Use special thermal protector spray. Keep in mind that the constant use of paints a negative impact on the beauty of hair. If you want to dye your hair, use a tool, which included no ammonia.

Use the appropriate shampoo for your hair type. For dry, use moisturizer. For oily - seboreguliruyuschy that reduces oiliness. For mixed type of hair combine different shampoos for tips and roots. If necessary, use an anti-dandruff shampoo.

After shampooing, use balms, masks, caring means. The range presented in the shops, allows you to choose exactly what suits you best. Use of folk remedies for hair care. Rub them burdock, rinse herbal decoctions.

Decoction of birch leaves much healthier and strengthen hair, give them a nice shine. Help solve the problem of fat decoction of oak bark.

Pay attention to your diet. How useful is the food you eat, the more beautiful and healthier your hair will be. Eat foods rich in calcium, such as milk. Include in the diet of seafood, olive oil. Take vitamin complexes, improve hair growth and can be purchased at pharmacies.

Tags: hair, dry, rich in calcium