Henna for Hair

 If you constantly take care of your hair, and cherish their holite, doing all kinds of massage and mask, surely you have in the arsenal of a variety of means to maintain this beauty. These can be special shampoos and conditioners, lotions and conditioners, and certainly complex vitamins. But there is another good old facility, which nowadays almost forgotten.

In category Beauty: Chemical peeling face (reviews)

Women's magazine JustLady offers to meet with a lovely "drug", which was well known to your mothers and grandmothers, but today can take its rightful place on the shelf of your bathroom. It's about henna for hair.

As you know, a properly fitted means for hair care - the key to a beautiful and lush hairstyles. Play an important role and vitamins. To supply the hair, so to speak, from the outside you apply masks and lotions, and other means. All of them, of course, very useful and contain natural ingredients. But sometimes you may want to pamper your tresses something completely natural.

One such natural medicines Hair - henna. This substance has always been very popular in the East. It is used for coloring hair and giving them a reddish hue.

Some time ago, henna has been used extensively and we have basically the same for painting. But in fact, its properties it is far from exhausted. Let's see what is useful Henna for Hair?

Henna - a dry, crushed into powder leaves of the plant alkanes. Natural henna is the best quality comes from the Middle East. Its natural properties are such that it is able to kill harmful microorganisms, removes dandruff, stop hair loss, regardless of the cause of the disease.

Henna also nourishes the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. It makes them more thick and strong, restores the damaged structure. It is useful for fatty and dry hair.

Basically henna dyes hair red and magenta. But today you can find henna for hairBy which it is possible to achieve lightening of strands and make them even green or purple hue.
Less hair coloring Henna is its instability, it is gradually washed out with every hair wash. She was not able to paint the gray hair and can give the most unexpected results when applied to the hair, previously painted artificial colors or permed.

Also, despite the instability, it is extremely difficult to get rid of a specific color that gives hair henna with prolonged and regular use. Although the way, now hairdressing leaped forward, and competent master able to fix all these minor troubles.

But this painting keeps hair healthy, strong and shiny. If you have reddish hair, you can use henna rinse hair after washing. If you are not attracted to the data tones, for medicinal purposes, you can use colorless henna.

Colorless Henna for Hair made from plant stems, which do not contain pigments therefore do at moderate application gives no shades.

Today we want to introduce you to a few recipes for hair masks of this stuff.

To give hair shine and volume Prepare a mask of colorless henna with yogurt.
To this end, half a cup of warm yogurt need to add two tablespoons of henna and let stand 15 minutes. The mixture was then applied to the hair roots and the residue is uniformly distributed over the entire length. The procedure lasts about 30-40 minutes, after which the mask is washed away.

The mask of henna for hair with egg and honey nourishes and restores damaged hair structure. Preparing it as follows. Two tablespoons of powder poured water about 70 degrees and allow to stand for 20 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add the egg and a teaspoon of honey. The mixture was applied onto hair and kept 40 minutes.

Good has a strengthening effect of the mask henna for hair with vitamins. For its preparation you need a bag of henna, boiling water, burdock oil and vitamins (A and E).

Henna brew boiling water and steep, covered a quarter of an hour. Then add to it a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil and half a teaspoon of vitamins.

Mask can be kept on the hair to 1 hour. For best effect, the procedure should be repeated twice a week.
If you have too many prepared the nutrient mixture, it can be stored in a cool place until the next use.

We hope these tips will help you to have a strong and healthy hair!

 Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: color, hair, height, mask, yogurt, add washing, the use of the micro-organism