Hair loss: treatment of folk remedies

Hair loss: treatment of folk remedies
 Hair Loss - a problem that can not be left unattended. Of course, it is easier to prevent its occurrence than to treat. But if you notice that you have started losing his hair, take action immediately.
 Consider the factors that lead to hair loss:

- Wrong hair care. Hairstyles in which the hair tightly pulled together, it is very harmful to curl, and eventually may lead to hair loss. Additionally, parting, which is all the time in one place, can cause hair loss in this portion of the head. It is not advisable to comb and braid wet hair, as they state it is very easy to break and then fall out.

- Lack of a headdress in the winter. If you do not wear a winter hat, it can cause muscle disease hair roots, making the curls start to thin out. Close hats also harm the hair, as they violate the circulation to the scalp and hair nutrition, as well as prevent access of oxygen to the scalp.

- Violation of the sebaceous and sweat glands, malnutrition of the hair roots. These reasons are often caused by seasonal changes, among them - beriberi.

- Violation of the hormonal levels of the body.

- Nervous stress.

Considered normal hair loss in an amount of about 100 pieces per day. If they fall much more sound the alarm! If they drop out due to illness of any organ of the body, see a doctor.

Coping with hair loss help is widely used folk remedies. Here are some of them.

Wash your hair with warm water without shampoo, then rub into the scalp table salt, gently massaging the skin. Rubbing continue for 10-15 minutes, then wash your head with water.

Decoction of nettle prepared from 100 g of dry raw materials, pour 1/2 liters of water and the same amount of vinegar. Simmer for half an hour, then let it sit for 40 minutes to defend. Strain and moisten the hair at the roots of this infusion.

Brew in a thermos nettle, sage, St. John's wort and everlasting and leave to infuse for four hours. Add a colorless henna, mix and apply the pulp on the scalp shortly before washing.

Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy, 1 egg yolk and 1 dessert spoon of honey. Mix and apply this mask on the scalp. If your hair is dry, you can add to the mix the vegetable oil. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with hair.

Onion - the most effective remedy for hair loss. Grate the onion on a fine grater and apply on the scalp. Hold for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. The mask stimulates circulation.

Watch your diet. Eat more protein foods and foods high in calcium. Eat more fruits and vegetables, it will improve the condition of not only your hair, but also the skin.

Tags: hair tool, care, loss, treatment