Diet for Beauty Hair

Diet for Beauty Hair
 Lack of vitamins and trace elements always affects the condition of hair - they become weak and dull, begin to fall and break. Compensate for the lack of nutrients and helps to normalize the hair dietary change.

Special diet for hair beauty includes vitamins B. Include in your diet dishes of meat, fish, fresh vegetables and herbs. Green vegetables and carrots will help get rid of the problem brittle hair that will become resilient and strong. Add to salads peppers - it restores the hair structure and strengthen them.

If you want to restore hair color, make them alive and shiny, eat foods that contain copper - milk, seafood, fish, chicken and quail eggs. Copper has beneficial effects on the scalp, preventing dandruff.

Since hair loss can be controlled in several ways - to strengthen hair follicles from the outside and nourish the hair from the inside. Contained in certain foods silicon compounds prevent hair loss. If you have a tendency to baldness, increase the consumption of fresh strawberries, eat millet porridge with milk, and drink a decoction of nettles.

To diet for hair beauty gave practical results, along with the use of healthy products should be limited to the amount of fat. You can completely abandon the canned products due to the high content of preservatives, thickeners and other additives. Fatty meats, smoked and salted bacon, fatty fish - enough to limit their consumption or for some time to give up altogether. Too spicy and salty dishes are not useful, and their frequent use increases the activity of the sebaceous glands.

If you can not give up eating high-calorie and fatty foods, do it gradually - start with fasting days (Kefir, apple, etc.). The condition of hair affects the nature of the ingested food, as well as on the color of the face and skin condition. Ideal for improving the structure of hair - oatmeal. Porridge and broth are equally useful, and with the addition of dried fruits and honey improves the taste of cereal and increases the content of valuable minerals.

Tags: hair diet