5 ways to restore hair health

 Gentle rays of the sun and warm sea gave us a lot of positive emotions, but the hair these summer pleasures not say the best way. Dry, brittle, lifeless - it becomes such hair after bathing season. They urgently need rehabilitation. On the pages of women's magazine JustLady story about how quickly to return the beauty curls come autumn.

Makeup - Fall 2008

It is very important to pay attention to the appearance of hair immediately after the summer. After the fall of vitamin enters the body is much smaller, and the beauty of hair melts before our eyes.

The sooner you begin to nourish and strengthen your hair, the less serious the effects of the hot summer.

So, you can select5 major hair problemsFaced by the majority of women c end of the warm season.

1. split ends

To the ends of the hair are not available nutrients and moisture, so they begin to split and look very unattractive. This problem is more common among owners of dry hair, but after the summer it becomes familiar, and those who have oily hair. The appearance of split ends also contribute to the frequent use of a hairdryer, paints, electrical pliers for hair and perm.

Therefore, from drying the hair should be protected:

- Refuse perm and hair coloring,
- Minimize the use of styling,
- Refuse termoukladki hair. If this is not possible, use special means of thermal protection.

Damaged hair can help intensive care. First of all, learn how to choose the right shampoo. It is desirable that they comprised:

- B vitamins,
- Ceramides,
- Lecithins
- Plant extracts:

wheat germ,

Be sure to use balms, conditioners and hair conditioners. If you have dry hair from root to tip, to choose the means for dry hair. For those who have oily hair at the roots, and at the ends - dry, there are special series for combined hair.

As popular recipes used decoctions of sage or dandelion. 2 tablespoons herbs brew 2 cups boiling water, use a decoction for rinsing hair after washing.

Should pay particular attention to the special indelible balms for the hair ends. They are easy to use, and the effect can be seen almost immediately. Do not forget about proper nutrition. Help in the rehabilitation of hair help vitamins E, A, and a number of products - such as eggs, milk, seafood, butter, pumpkin, persimmon, carrots and cabbage. Unfortunately, if the ends of your hair are cut too much and color different from the primary color of hair (look lighter), the only way - to prune them.

Many hairdressers are advised to spend a haircut "hot scissors" - this will allow "solder" the hair ends and prevent their further stratification. But even after such a procedure, an intensive hair care using the above tools is a must.

2. Brittle hair, bad comb

Particularly familiar with these problems owners of long hair. Brittle over the entire length hair is also seen in women with dry hair. Brittle dry hair comb is very difficult: they are constantly confused, and after washing comb it not impossible. The reason for this - the loss of elasticity. Just as in the previous case, damaged hair is necessary to ensure food and gentle care.

When choosing shampoos and conditioners note marked "facilitates combing." The composition of such assets include vitamin and mineral complex, soothing, nourishing and moisturizing hair. Do not forget to enjoy the air conditioning.

Excellent emollient properties are plant extracts:

- Almonds,
- Coconut,
- Chamomile,
- Lime color.

Honey Shampoo

30 g Chamomile pour 100 ml of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, strain and add 1 dessert spoon of honey. Apply to washed and lightly dried hair. After 30-40 minutes rinse with warm water. Repeat procedure 1 every 2 weeks.

Never brush wet hair - it hurts the already damaged tresses. If necessary, use a comb with a few teeth or split strands with your fingers, but better wait until the hair is dry. Temporarily give up the hair coloring and perming. It is too dry hair, and restore them to be even more difficult. Termoukladkoy also should not be abused. Dry the hair dryer on medium heat.

3. Hair loss

To solve this problem is more difficult than the previous ones, but still vozmozhno.V list of tools for hair care - in addition to shampoos and conditioners against confluence hair - will include special masks and creams.

For the treatment of hair loss are widely used fitoingredienty:

- Everlasting,
- Nettle,
- Chamomile,
- Tea tree oil,
- Yarrow,
- Millet,
- Lime,
- St. John's wort,
- Aloe.

 Mask for hair loss

1 tsp. Aloe,
1 tbsp. spoon of honey,
1 tsp. Castor oil.

Mix all ingredients, put on your hair and leave for 30-40 minutes. After washing, rinse your hair with chamomile extract, and then - with clean warm water. Repeat 1-2 times per week for as long as the hair will not fall downward.

Tibetan balm

100 grams of burdock oil
1 g of a pink oil
1 g of sea buckthorn oil
1 g of eucalyptus oil
1 g of pollen

All components of the mix and rub into the scalp clean. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water, if necessary, wash the hair using shampunya.Ne forget that one of the causes of hair loss can be unhealthy diet. The first step is to restore the balance of vitamins (B RR) and trace elements (iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) in the body.

Whole wheat, peanuts, fish, pork, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, beans, almonds, cheese and milk will also provide the necessary materials.

Try to use only natural remedies for hair care. Chemical effects on the hair (coloring, perms) affects especially traumatic. If you really want to change the color of the hair, use natural henna. It will not only give your hair a beautiful shade, but also improve them.

If you apply all efforts to improve nutrition and hair, but the problem does not go away, then you need to see a specialist and go from cosmetics to medicines.

4. dull hair

Perhaps the first thing lose our hair fall - it shine. Quickly restore hair shine can take advantage of modern cosmetics. But we must remember that the "brilliant" or "pearl" shine will only be temporary, as the main factor of hair beauty is their health. So do not "buy" the beautiful name. The main thing - to choose a tool that will really help to restore hair structure.

The composition of reducing agents to give hair shine should include:

- Vitamins A, E, B,
- Glycerol
- Proteins
- Lipids.

Wax is also an excellent health-improving agent, besides, he instantly makes your hair live shine. Do not forget about phytocomplex cosmetic. Radiance hair returned extracts of chamomile, wheat, citrus variety.

Return the hair shine and can be at home.

 Lemon Lotion

After washing, rinse the hair with water and lemon juice (1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. Lemon juice) - it will give your hair shine and silkiness. The same can be done with lotion nettle juice.

Shampoo for shine

4 tbsp. spoon Roma
1 egg.

Rum and egg mix well, can be whipped. Thoroughly rubbed into the roots and the hair over the entire length. Wrap head with a towel and leave for 25-30 minutes, rinse hair with warm water.

5. unruly hair

Damaged hair is difficult to style: do not hold the curls after curling, and of hairstyles now and then knocked out the curls. "Tame" unruly hair will help a number of simple tips.

First of allIt should be noted that there are usually unruly hair zhestkimi.A this mean you have to use special cosmetics, has a softening effect - the same as in brittle hair.

Secondly, Unruly hair need moisture. In today's market a wide range of hair sprays, designed specifically for moisturizing unruly curls.

Also do not forget about the individual lots of shampoos and conditioners "for unruly hair."

 Brandy mask

50 grams of cognac,
50 g water
2 egg yolks.

All the ingredients are mixed thoroughly and rub into the scalp. Remnants of the mask spread over the entire length of the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. If you have dry hair, the shampoo may not be used, and if the fat, it is best to wash your hair.

Secure normal and dry hair in the hair will help the wax. Doing blow-dry, soften the wax in his hands with warm air and apply it over the entire length. This will also give your hair a healthy shine excellent.

By the way recently learned that US scientists create a whole line of new generation facilities for the treatment of unruly hair. New shampoos and conditioners are designed to eliminate the cause of hair problems, rather than the visible effects.

Anastasia Vladykina

Tags: hair shine, health, fashion, vitamin tip