5 ways to restore hair health

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 Gentle rays of the sun and warm sea can give a lot of positive emotions, but the hair does not affect these pleasures in the best way. Lifeless, dry, brittle - it is such locks are after beach season, and they urgently require rehabilitation
 1. Get rid of split ends.

To cope with this problem will help intensive care. First, learn how to choose the right shampoo. Desirably, it contains:
- B vitamins;
- Lecithins;
- Ceramides;
- Herbal extracts of chamomile, avocado, peach, almond, plantain, wheat germ, sage.

Be sure to use air conditioners and balm-conditioner for hair. As popular recipes used dandelion teas or sage. Two tablespoons of herbs brew two cups of boiling water, use broth to rinse after washing your hair.

2. Reinforce curls.

Damaged hair is necessary to ensure food and gentle care. When buying shampoos and conditioners, pay special attention to the mark "facilitates combing." As part of such funds contain vitamin and mineral complex that softens, nourishes and moisturizes the hair. Do not forget about the use of air conditioners.

Excellent emollient properties are plant extracts of lime blossom, almond, coconut, chamomile. Prepare honey shampoo. To do this, pour 30 grams of chamomile 100 ml of boiling water, let stand for 1 hour, strain and add a dessert spoon of honey. Apply the mixture on a lightly washed and dried hair. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

3.Predotvratite hair loss.

In addition to shampoos and conditioners for hair loss, in the list of resources for the care necessary to include special creams and masks. For the treatment of hair loss often apply fitoingredienty: tea tree oil, immortelle, nettle, chamomile, aloe, millet, yarrow, linden, St. John's wort. Use simple mask against hair loss. To prepare it, mix a teaspoon of aloe, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of castor oil. Apply mixture for 30-40 minutes. After washing, rinse hair decoction of chamomile, and then - with clean warm water.

4. Gives hair shine.

In the composition of reducing agents for imparting gloss to hair must be: vitamins A, E, B, lipids, glycerol, proteins. Also a wonderful health-improving agent is a wax, besides it instantly gives live shine curls. Do not forget about phytocomplex shining hair the ability to return the extracts of wheat, citrus, chamomile.

After shampooing, rinse your hair with water and lemon juice (1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon lemon juice). This will give tresses silky and shiny. Prepare homemade shampoo. To do this, take 4 tablespoons of rum and 1 egg. Thoroughly mix and whisk. Rubbed into the hair roots and the entire length thereof. Wrap head with a towel, let it sit for 25-30 minutes, then rinse well with warm water and hair.

5. Consult with unruly hair.

Today, most of the shops is a wide range of hair sprays that are designed to moisturize unruly curls. Keep separate series of air conditioners and shampoos "for unruly hair."

Also deal with this problem will help cognac mask. To prepare 50 g cognac Take 50 g of water and 2 yolk. All components are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the scalp. Remains of the mixture spread over the entire length of the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Tags: hair, health, fashion, care