How to dye your hair to lighter shade

How to dye your hair to lighter shade
 If you are unhappy with the fact that you have very dark hair, it can be easy to fix. You can do this traditional methods or using chemicals. In the first case, you will achieve the result after a few procedures, but will not cause hair damage. In the second case, the result will be immediate, but maybe the hair will suffer.
 If you do decide to lighten up by chemical means, you will need hydrogen peroxide, or paint remover. You can buy them in any cosmetic shop. Higher quality are professional tools, they cause less damage to the hair and keep much better. Make this procedure alone is very difficult, because you need to medication was applied almost simultaneously on his head. Also, there should be no areas of NOT, hair.

You can not make mistakes when applying the drug can obtain uniform color. Of course, it will look ugly. Therefore it is better to turn to professionals, they will do this procedure correctly. To make the hair only on the lighter shade, wash or peroxide should be applied only for a few minutes. A paint to keep about half an hour.

To lighten your hair and do not harm them, you can use traditional methods. The easiest option - to make a decoction of chamomile. To do this, boil dry flowers and give them to brew, and then put the broth to the hair and leave for a few minutes. Of course, the lighting will be slow, but it will not be of any harm.

It is also possible to use lemon juice. Dilute it with plain water to one another. Rinse your head with this solution after washing. The result will be seen only in a few procedures. If you have dry hair, then this method should be abandoned.

The following method require time expenditure. Take any natural honey and apply it to the entire head of hair. Put on a hat for painting and warming cap. The longer the honey will stay on the hair, the faster will be the result. It can even be left on all night. This tool will not only stain the hair on the lighter shade, but also improve them.

You can use dyes and shampoos. As a rule, the result of their application can be seen in just a few uses.

Tags: hair, tone, technique, lighting