How to display black

How to display black
 Many girls in my life trying something a change, for example, clothing style, hairstyle or hair color, and more than once. Blond or fair-haired beauty can easily be repainted in black, but if such drastic changes do not produce the desired result, then stay a brunette does not want. However, to bring the black color is not so simple.
 If funds allow, the ideal option - it is a beauty salon, to a professional engaged in your hair. There are special bleaching agent, is intended to display a black paint, but they are clarified by only 3 or 4 colors. Black hair can acquire a reddish hue. After the first procedure is not recommended immediately carry out re-discoloration, you must wait at least two weeks, and only then repeat. However, the use of bleaching agents adversely affect the hair, so after this procedure will have to be used for a long time regenerating nourishing masks and balms.

At home, you can also try to wash off the black paint. This will require an acidic detergent, which can be purchased at almost any supermarket. For one procedure to completely remove the black color can not be other than what it will turn color after washing and how much damage the structure of the hair, it is practically impossible to foresee. But this tool is considered milder than bleaches, as it is less harmful to the hair.
Withdraw black hair and natural components can at home. They are ineffective, but a good chance of success there. In addition, you can be sure that your hair will not be harmed.

This will require drug chamomile and hydrogen peroxide. Find these components can be in a pharmacy. Packaging chamomile Pour into an enamel container, pour one go two cups of boiling water, stir with a spoon and leave for half an hour. If a short haircut, the same glass will suffice. Then strain the infusion, to after treatment of the hair does not have to wash and comb out the remnants of chamomile flowers, then add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, stir. Apply the mixture on dry hair, comb it to each hairs soaked, and head wrap film. After half an hour rinse with running water mixture, and then wash your hair with shampoo. If the first time the paint washed off only partially, then repeat the procedure can be no earlier than 3 days.

Tags: dye, hair color, black, black