How to cut bangs correctly

How to cut bangs correctly
 Cutting bangs - one of the easiest and quickest ways to change the appearance. Depending on the form it is able to give a strict woman, femme or feminine image, make younger, more effective, add mystery and charm.
 Before embarking on circumcision bangs, you need to find its form. The choice depends on the type of her face and hair structure. Long straight bangs suit girls with a high forehead, asymmetric and skew will look good on a rectangular and square face shape, short bangs will visually lengthen a small forehead. If your hair is brittle and split, bangs will look a bit messy, so caring for it to be stronger. Difficulties may arise with stacking and wavy locks, especially in wet weather. It is best to shave bangs straight hair.

After a suitable shape defined, you can start cutting off bangs. First you must wash and dry her hair. If the strands are twisted, should pull their hair dryer or lightly sprinkle with water, or after circumcision can get the curve length. Then gently separate the hair piece, designed for bangs, and the rest mass of hair at the back stab.

Bangs should start to cut on the edge, which is adjacent to the hand holding the scissors, and not vice versa. Because without professional hairdressing experience difficult to immediately cut bangs neatly in its entirety, you need to capture a small amount of hair, slightly delaying their two fingers. And be sure to focus on the length of the previously cut strands.

When you first cutting the bangs better if it would be a little longer than expected. Indeed, in the case of irregular shape it will be easier to fix.

Once cut bangs and leveled, it may be slightly profiled ends. To do this, choose small strands and make cross cuts filirochnymi special scissors, retreating from the edge of 1-2 cm.

To preserve the beautiful shape better bang trim at least once a month.

Tags: shape, hairstyle, haircut, look, styling