How to align hair color

How to align hair color
 Agents for hair dyeing there are so many that try everything and life is not enough. And then there's a problem with the uneven distribution of dye on the hair. Very often it happens after a few failed experiments in color.
 To hair color was the uniform, you can use several methods. It all depends on what you want to get in the end - with natural shade, uniform tone or its natural color.

If you are constantly experimenting with coloring substances, apply them to have not descended from hair dye, of course, the color of the roots and the ends will be different. The very uneven tone. There are two ways to deal with it.

Firstly, repeated bleaching hair. This method is useful if you are discoloring hair dye unevenly struck for the first time. Repeat the experiment, make all the hair is completely colorless. And then you can paint such strands in any desired shade.

Second, align the hair color you can, using the technique of toning darker shade. This will avoid re-bleaching hair. Pick masking paint to match the darkest areas of hair. After rendering the entire hair evenly colored and natural color.

It happens that after you pobyli blonde, you want to regain former hair color. In most cases, the girls begin to grow hair. From the outside it looks just horrific - dark regrowth contrast sharply with the white tips, giving the whole appearance is not quite a neat appearance.

In this case, fix hair color will also help you to staining. Pick paint of a color that most closely matches the color of your hair. At the same time important to use professional cosmetics. She and her hair color, and does not hurt. Now the most important thing - first paint the white strands, and after 10-15 minutes, apply a dye along the entire length of hair. Many brands of paint is present intensive toning. In case it decides your problem with uniform coloring over the whole length of hair. You get almost their natural color and hair - uniform color.

Tags: hair colors, alignment, coloring