To prepare the softening mask for coarse hair, take one tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile, nettle and linden, pour a glass of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave for thirty minutes. Strain the cooled infusion, add egg and two drops of oil solution of vitamin E, A, B1, B12. All mix thoroughly and apply prepared mask on the scalp, then spread over the entire length of hair. An hour later, rinse with warm water composition using a mild shampoo suitable for your hair type.
Honey mask to soften coarse hair
To prepare the mask you need olive oil and natural honey. These ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions (the number depends on the length of your hair). Apply a honey-oil mixture to the hair, spread over the entire length, do not forget the roots. Put on plastic cap and wrap head with a warm towel, because you will achieve better results. After 20 minutes, wash the head in a familiar way.
Hair mask of blue clay
Blue clay is known for its unique properties, it is not only heals and strengthens the hair, but also has a soothing effect, so it is recommended to use the ladies with a hard type of hair. Cosmetic clay is sold in a pharmacy or department store cosmetics, so buy it will not be difficult. Dissolve two tablespoons of clay with cold water to a state of pulp and apply the mask to damp hair. After five minutes, rinse with warm water and the composition of shampoo, use a hair conditioner.
Oil to soften the hair mask
Homemade mask for coarse hair can be made from almond or olive oil, jojoba oil or ironwood. For efficiency, heat the oil slightly before use and apply on the scalp massaged, spread over the entire length of the strands. This mask can be left on all night, wearing on his head a plastic cap and wrapped a towel. In the morning, wash off the oil with warm water and shampoo your hair after that will delight you with its softness.