To paint the tips of short hair, nacheshite strands so that they protruded upward. The foil was put dye. Then turn the foil so that means it turned down, and spend it on the tips of curls.
If you are the owner of hair of medium length or extended length haircuts, for coloring hair tips divide them into small squares and collect the strands into a ponytail. Their base wrap in foil. On the tips apply the selected dye.
For long hair or hairstyle with clear contours "border" is done with a brush. Place a foil under the ends of the hair that you want to transform. Paint, apply a special brush.
Once complete staining of roots and tips of different colors, you'll have a beautiful, shimmering effect. Especially good it looks on long hair. To achieve this result, take such combinations of shades Sandra for the roots and tips of pearl (tsvetotip summer); eggplant for roots and Burgundy (tsvetotip winter) for the tips; bronze and amber (tsvetotip spring); Dark brown and bronze (tsvetotip autumn).
Paint the desired shade put on the tips of the strands, divide hair into squares. After your curls will get the desired color, rinse the paint and paint in the traditional way the hair roots.
The paint on the roots of the hair, apply so that she was on the verge of already colored tips. Because of this you will be able to achieve a smooth transition from one color to another. Fifteen minutes comb hair, wherein the dye on dyed stretch ends of the strands. Make the transition from the middle of the curl.
Transition to a particularly smooth, then drag its border in different places topknot. Hold the paint on the head for about twenty minutes. Then rinse with plenty of warm water.
On dyed hair, apply a balm. It will help to fix the color and make your curls look healthy.