In addressing this issue should pay attention to some important nuances. First, you must choose the shampoo, conditioner and mask suitable for your hair type.
Secondly, after shampooing hair lightly dip a towel and dry naturally. Blow-drying is possible only in case of emergency using cold air. Do not swing a hair dryer, and only lift the hair, drying out the hair roots. When combing better to use wooden comb.
It is recommended to use special indelible means of hair care products - creams, gels, lotions. With frequent use of such funds with silicone should periodically wash the hair deep cleansing shampoo that silicone does not accumulate in the hair.
To smooth the hair and the hair iron. With the use of this tool should be careful, because a long use may damage the structure of hair.
If the problem is in a state of health, you need to take vitamins A and E. They not only eliminate the fluffy hair, but also reduce their brittleness and improve the condition of the scalp.
Effective means to combat unruly hair are traditional methods. Not to mention the healing honey mask. For best results, honey is recommended to apply the entire length of the hair for at least 8 hours (eg overnight). Already after the first treatment hair will be smooth as silk.
One of the simplest methods is considered citric water prepared from lemon juice and water in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting solution is applied to the hair after shampooing and rinsed.
Very popular mask for hair straightening on the basis of burdock oil. Warmed tool is rubbed into the scalp lightly and left for 2 hours. Head, it should be wrapped in cellophane. Upon completion of the procedure, the hair should be rinsed with lemon water, a decoction of hops or mug.
With these tips and apply them regularly, can permanently forget about such a problem as pushing hair.