The method is widely used by women (so that there is no secret, and some men) - perm hair curlers cold. Curlers can be very different - metal with rubber bands, plastic or foam Velcro, just foam, tied at the site. Apparently as a greeting from the years when instead curlers ladies had to use tightly rolled paper with a roll with string threaded through. Such devices were called gracefully curlers.
On cold rollers to be fastened wet hair - from roots or from the middle of the hair - and leave them for a few hours or overnight. However, sleeping on metal could only our mothers and grandmothers. Perhaps allowed Spartan upbringing. On the foam bed is much more convenient. Minus such curlers - curls after can get a little flattened. Although if you twist the hair on them during the day and leave at the time - that wave will adequately resistant even without fixing varnish.
On older termobigudi - hollow cylinder filled with wax, which is heated (usually by boiling curlers), and the relatively new power should be the same as in curling, twist dry hair only to later not to damage them. However, you first need to learn how to use them. Termobigudi should pick up gently, best - putting at first thin gloves. On the first electric hair to be screwed (moisten them a little gel) and then include the network. But laying on hot curlers get lush and beautiful, especially since it's almost the fastest way to make beautiful curls. Enough to wait until they are completely cool (during which time you can, for example, breakfast) and remove them.