Hair fall out for various reasons. First, let's start with the fact that a small amount of hair loss - this is a normal physiological process. All updated in our body, including hair. Therefore, in order to able to grow new and old need to free a place for them. On the day a person falls roughly the same hair, how old it is and it is quite natural. But if you feel that you lost hair is clearly much more, there's time to sound the alarm and to find out the cause.
Weakened hair may fall out because of hormonal changes the body, high stress, as well as during the autumn-winter and winter-spring. It is possible that you choose the wrong shampoo or your hair and scalp is sensitive to any means of laying or maintenance. Well, of course, suffer from hair after activities such as coloring, perming and bleaching, as well as with constant exposure to the hair dryer and curling. Therefore, if the cause of loss outside, the first thing to do is remove the source of the negative impact. Try to pick up a different shampoo, be sure to use special means to care for colored and damaged hair, as well as reduce to a minimum the use of forceps and a hair dryer. If it is absolutely impossible to get an expensive and high-quality instruments, they belong to the hair more carefully.
As for the means for mildew and hair restoration, there are two options: expensive or very expensive drugs that affect the scalp and hair follicle and available folk remedies. I must say that in their effectiveness, they do not differ. Just some people are more inclined to trust a proven brand and pharmacies than grandma means. In addition, not everyone has the opportunity, time and, most importantly, patience to the collection, preparation and use of folk remedies in this manner, as prescribed recipes. Nevertheless, folk remedies have been and will be very effective in the fight for the beauty of women's hair. Here are the most popular.
Henna. Sometimes colorless and coloring. To strengthen the roots of the hair and scalp, it is better to use a colorless henna. It is brewed like mush and applied instead of a mask on the scalp and hair for a few minutes. Already after a few applications practically stops hair loss and hair becomes stronger and stronger. Very good remedy for hair growth - burdock root. It is best to get it yourself, just digging in the summer and rinse well. It is best to rub the head fresh juice, but you can prepare a decoction, it is also very good for the hair follicles.
Another undeniably effective means to strengthen the hair - bow. Ordinary onions can be rubbed into the scalp, and then some time like a warm compression cap. Means good, but it has a single drawback - the smell. Therefore, do not plan on following this procedure or dates, or business meetings. Very good effect on hair yogurt. Also on freshly washed hair and scalp, apply yogurt, rub it and let it sit for half an hour under a warm cap, then rinse with warm water.
To the woman's hair should be treated carefully, because they are - part of its unique image. Do not bring the issue up to the last fall, when it will become visible to others. Begin to engage with her hair now and very soon on your head will mop of thick and strong hair.