It is recommended to wash your hair every three days, no more. For oily type of perfect shampoo with extracts of sage, nettle, sweet, mother and stepmother, seaweed, horsetail, and shampoos with added vitamins A, K, C, proteins and minerals zinc. In no case do not wash your hair with hot water, thus you only strengthen the sebaceous excretions. The higher the fat content of the hair, the lower the water temperature should be (preferably - 22 degrees).
Before washing the head rub into the skin degreasers such as yogurt, aloe juice or carrot juice. But it is necessary to take into account the time that the carrot juice can stain light hair, it is recommended to use this tool for the dark curls. For the light will fit perfectly shag onion juice mixed in equal proportions with castor oil (two tablespoons). Of course, the smell of onions is not very pleasant, but this tool is very useful for oily type of hair and scalp.
In between hair washing is recommended to rub into the scalp freshly lemon juice. It is not necessary to use a head massage for bold type and frequent combing hair brush, as this begins to actively work sebaceous glands, and curls quickly acquire a dirty look. Stop using the hair dryer and curling iron, treat your hair masks suitable for your hair type.
Take two tablespoons of mustard powder and mix with the same amount of hot boiled water, stir well and cool slightly. Then add the mustard mush one egg yolk, two tablespoons of burdock or castor oil and a teaspoon of sugar. All mix and apply the mask on his head, gently massage and cover with polyethylene. On top of the head, wear a towel, keep the mask for forty minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and shampoo. This mask solves the problem of greasy hair, stimulates their growth.